How are the parts manufactured?

Machining (machining) simply means that the material is processed by mechanical equipment, such as cutting the material by cutting, so as to process the desired workpiece shape. According to the drawings and dimensions of the drawings, the whole process of making the shape, size, relative position and properties of the blank into a qualified part is called the machining process.

CNC metal parts

Whether we live or work, we see all aspects of industrial products, ranging from airplanes, automobiles, ships, tanks, tractors, to small screws and blades, all processed by machining. It is no exaggeration to say that machining is the foundation of modern civilization.


Of course, it does not mean that a single machining machine tool can completely process and produce various products and equipment. Some, such as the blades of aircraft engines, have high requirements on technology and materials, and special machining machine tools are required to This is processed.

Post time: Sep-26-2022